Sanitech Crushes It!


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BIX Produce Co

Project Overview

BIX Produce Co. is a quality, fresh foods delivery company serving the Minnesota state, and just beyond. We hope they’re practices continue to expand because working with local farms is how BIX maintains their delivery stock and we all need to know where our foods come from! Working with over 30 small business farmers and producers, the deliveries are able to maintain the upmost fresh ingredients to add to any home or restaurant kitchen.

The demand for this type of delivery, farm to table, is in high demand as larger scaled operations are now taking shortcuts to provide bigger quantities, but missing quality. It’s a system also being utilized more often now as everyday life often doesn’t include time for grocery shopping; with all members of the household working full-time, often groceries get pushed to the last minute and are not always the best ingredients. When your shopping list is delivered by BIX you can count on farm-fresh products in a beneficial time-frame.

During the summer of 2017 Sanitech custom built our ST1546 Auger Compactor for BIX Produce and our dealer at American Services seamlessly installed the shredding machine in Minnesota. The custom features for this Corrugated Compactor included a dock door enclosure, see image examples of this component here.


With a Sanitech 15hp just installed, Bix is happy to already be seeing benefits! “The auger system is the same size as the traditional compactors, it does however shred up the cardboard much better. We were told that we could get 3 times as much cardboard in 1 haul. We were averaging 2.5-3 tons per haul before and are now getting 8-9 tons per haul. Before the auger, our haul fee basically equaled our monies earned from the recycling of cardboard. Getting 3 times as much cardboard in one haul allowed us to bank money from the recycling. Through our first month we are seeing this proof. We have seen an average of $1700.00 in savings on the cost of our waste each week since the Auger was installed.”

Troy Wilcox, Operations Manager, Bix Produce Co.

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