Sanitech auger compactors pre-crush and compact in one powerful motion. While processing material, the auger continuously runs in a forward direction, crushing and reducing the size of what it is fed. This enables it to compact up to five times faster than conventional hydraulic compactors.
The Model ST-15-54/36 was designed to handle larger corrugate boxes and other larger items of trash / waste / recyclables.
No need to flatten boxes, store bales, or bother with maintaining messy hydraulic systems. The Sani-Tech 1554/46 Corugate Compactor will compact 8-10 tons of material in a 40 yd container. The material will not bind inside the container, a common problem with ram-style compactors. The spiral feed and destruction of the boxes prevents material spilling from the container during bin seperation.
* Request prior confirmation with refuse hauler regarding length of this unit.